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Monday, February 8, 2010

My fault (?)


You let me go
So gently that I
Couldn't even think of
Catching you.

And for a while
After you were gone
I kept expecting you
To come back.

You let me go
So surely that I
Don't know if I should try
Catching up with you.

And its been months
Since you've been gone
But the warmth of your presence
Still haunts me.

You let me go.
And I cut myself up.
But I can hardly blame you
If I choose to hold on.



  1. wow!!! it can tear anyone apart not only you Sads...

  2. Happy memories, sad events, truths of life
    Sometimes hidden, sometimes in-visible

    People meet, and they meet again
    Most importantly, they met at the first place

    Life goes on, so easily
    But not so easy

    Warm memories, wet eyes, painful farewells
    Past bonding us, unknown, but certain bonds

    Time holds on, and will hold its breadth
    Like an Egyptian mummy, waiting, waiting to breathe once more.


Critique and admiration are equally welcome. Please do not leave comments of a personal nature.