Hot this month

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Come out of it, already!


Inertia is the deplorable state
Of exhibiting resistance to change;
Of having the peculiar disability
Of being incapable of spontaneity.

It's when you keep playing the same song again and again
Though your friends may bitch and your neighbors complain.
You know in your heart you're doing something wrong
But you're just so attached to that damned old song.

It just irks your delicate sense of grace
To even think of changing your pace.
Neither do you know how to stop once your playing the game,
Nor can you shift gears or change your lane.

Inertia is the deplorable state
Of exhibiting resistance to change;
Others may cringe and cry and pull their hair
But of their pain you're blissfully unaware.



  1. Masterpiece. Absolute Favourite of all your work. "But you're just so attached to that damned old song"!!!! I LOVE IT!

  2. Wow!!! this was a master piece for sure... i would agree!!!!

  3. why does this remind me of ogden nash?:) i like this one: "neither do you know how to stop once you're playing the game,/ nor can you shift gears or change your lane".

  4. @njs - OF COURSE IT REMINDS YOU OF OGDEN NASH! hehehe. I borrowed his rhythm. The length of the statments. The tone. Everything. It's a complete rip-off! :D

  5. :D why can i so TOTALLY relate to this?!!!


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